blankGreat Pumpkin is on the way!We are proud to present the stable version of our free responsive theme "Extended Basic".It's codename is "Great Pumpkin" - guess why...It's fully responsive and works fine on desktops, notebooks, tablets and smartphones!Here you can see it live and feel free to register and gambling around.The database will be reset once a day between 9.00 and 12.00 am. you can download the actual version: GREATPUMPKINHave a nice scarry night,JürgenIMPORTANT NOTICE: ALL RC VERSIONS ARE REMOVED FROM DOWNLOAD!










Looks great.

Under which license is it released?

It's released under GNU/GPL v3. We updated the download package, with all necessary informations.

Update Version 1.0.1 | 20151101### CHANGED : Footer is fully responsive now### CHANGED : Ticket overview is optimized for small devices, only ticketnumber and subject are visibleLive Preview | Download | Download Password: GREATPUMPKIN

great theme, many thanks!I have a question about how to call new variables in Forms. In my case, I added new variables on "Contact Information" form but I can't call this variable in email template.blankI tested %{ticket.ticket_name}%{ticket_name}%{user.ticket_name}but no works for me.¿Can you help me?Thanks in advance!


How do I change the "check ticket status" to admin login? I know how to point it in the right direction but can't seem to find where I can edit the nav. Thanks

@[deleted]: This is not depending on the theme and the wrong place. Please ask a moderator to move this in the correct topic. Maybe this little hints would be a help:1. The correct placeholder for your fields is%{ticket.user.notes}%{ticket.user.id_ext_category}%{ticket.user.ticket_name}2. Using the little yellow question mark, gives you a lot of hints and solutions. ;o) See the attached fileBest regards,Jürgen


@[deleted]I like very much your theme. I still thinking it would be great to fix this layout issue on mobile view. Reactor menu moving when you scrolling ticket. Also it would be grate if can use same reactor features as using for support agent. Thanks Amit

Screenshot_2015-11-03-00-55-22 (1).png

@[deleted]: Thanks for your positive feedback!Do you mean the link of the modul on the landing page? Than this is the solution: You have to edit line 106 and 147 of the index.php in your root directory. At the moment the behaviour is, if a customer is logged in, he will be redirected to his ticket overview page (include > client > tickets.php). If he isn't logged in, he will be directed to login/registration page (include > client > login.php). Hope this will help you!If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them. It would be helpful, if can more specify (which page? which section? etc.) your problem and maybe attach a screenshot.Best regards,Jürgen

Awesome, that is exactly what I was looking for. 

@[deleted] Can you provide the instructions on how to change the navigation in the nav bar at the top of the page? I would like to change that as well. 

@[deleted]: Changing the navigation bar is a little bit tricky, because the first links are generated dynamically from the lines 170 - 175 in header (include > client ><?php                        if($nav && ($navs=$nav->getNavLinks()) && is_array($navs)){                        foreach($navs as $name =>$nav) {                        echo sprintf('<li><a class="%s %s" href="%s">%s</a></li>%s',$nav?'active':'',$name,(ROOT_PATH.$nav),$nav,"\n");                        }                    } ?>If you have a look at the following lines you can see the code how to generate static links depending on the visitor state (guest or user). Remove the lines 170 - 175 and replace it with your code. I think it's not a good idea to change to much basic core files. These will cause troubles with the next update...Best regards,Jürgen

@[deleted]: I can reproduce this bug on some creepy android phones. There's no quick solution, because the reactor editor came to front if it touches the first time the upper border. Changing the z-index for the navbar and content container has no effect. We will have a look at it and will fix it with the next update. On most android and iOS the behaviour is complete normal. Thanks for your hint, Jürgen

@[deleted] Thanks and forgive me. I thought this feature was implemented by you and because of that i posted on this thread.Unfortunately, it still does not work for me. I'll post in Troubleshooting and Problems forum.Thanks for all and thanks for your awesome theme!;)

@[deleted]: If you like a link in the navigation bar to the admin section, please insert the following code in line 176 in header (include > client ><li><a href="<?php echo ROOT_PATH; ?>scp/"> <?php echo __('Admin'); ?></a></li>Ensure, that you are inserting after the php closing tag ("?>") and before the php opening tag ("<?php"). This will help you, Jürgen

@[deleted] Dude, thanks so much. I'm super impressed with this theme and your support!

Also, have you considered making an admin login page that carries your design? 

We are working on a fully responsive backend theme for osTicket 1.9.12 and 1.10, too. I hope we will publish the first release within two weeks.